Grant Completed | STChealth Completes Second Phase of National Facilitator Model Pilot Project
The National Facilitator Model is a data-sharing tool that can provide real-time information on prescriptions, testing, and immunizations at multiple points of
care, so the healthcare ecosystem can respond more effectively to pandemics and public health crises. During the second phase of developmental efforts,
STChealth identified supported use cases for the National Facilitator Model and factors that will impact successful implementation.
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Grant Results | STChealth Completes Second Phase of National Facilitator Model Pilot Project
The National Facilitator Model is a data-sharing tool that can provide real-time information on prescriptions, testing, and immunizations at
multiple points of care, so the healthcare ecosystem can respond more effectively to pandemics and public health crises. During the second phase
of developmental efforts, STChealth identified supported use cases for the National Facilitator Model and factors that will impact successful
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Press Release | University of Michigan Study Demonstrates Value of RxChange Communications
A recently completed study by the University of Michigan demonstrated that pharmacist-driven RxChange communications significantly modified
prescriptions to improve quality of care and medication safety while also providing cost savings to patients. The NCPDP Foundation funded this
study with major contributions from the First Databank and GoodRx Founders Gift Donor Funds.
Read the full release.
Grant Results | University of Michigan Study Demonstrates Value of RxChange Communications
A recently completed study by the University of Michigan demonstrated that pharmacist-driven RxChange communications significantly modified
prescriptions to improve quality of care and medication safety while also providing cost savings to patients.
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Press Release | NCPDP Foundation Shares Insights From a Completed Study Focused on Pharmacy Interoperability
Key challenges to pharmacy interoperability are defined and action steps are proposed in a pharmacy interoperability assessment produced by
Point-of-Care Partners (POCP). Based on interviews with industry stakeholders and market research, these findings are the cornerstone for moving
the healthcare industry beyond discussion to constructive collaboration.
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Grant Results | Pharmacy Interoperability: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Current Landscape
This white paper reflects research gathered through industry stakeholder interviews on the current state of pharmacy interoperability. One
central finding was the criticality of pharmacy representation in interoperability initiatives happening throughout the healthcare industry—making
sure this sector’s unique needs and contributions are addressed. The study defines ten key factors impacting the future of pharmacy
interoperability and proposes recommendations for the industry to consider.
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Grant Funded | NYU Grossman to Study Impact of Real-Time Prescription Benefit Recommendations
The NYU Grossman School of Medicine has received a $149,123 grant from the NCPDP Foundation to study the impact of real-time prescription
benefit (RTPB) recommendations on prescription fill rates and medication adherence. RTPB technology uses patient-specific cost information to
identify available, clinically appropriate, and lower-cost medications.
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Grant Results | Evaluating the NCPDP/HL7® FHIR® Specialty Medication Enrollment Implementation Guidance for Data Quality and Usefulness
This study analyzed four primary data sources, each of which utilized NCPDP/HL7® Specialty Medication Enrollment, for completeness,
plausibility, concordance, and currency. The goal was to evaluate the frequency and quality of the data received by the specialty pharmacy.
Results showed a high degree of completeness in the data received with areas for improvement noted to improve interoperability and use of
Electronic Health Records. Recommendations include improvement of data quality through standardization of units, alerts on physiologically
implausible values and outdated data, and omitting incomplete data.
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Request for Grants | Submit Proposals for Fall Grant Funding Cycle by October 31, 2024
The NCPDP Foundation is requesting grant proposals for the fall 2024 funding cycle. Proposals must be submitted by October 31, 2024. The
Foundation seeks to fund projects that demonstrate the value of existing or new NCPDP standards in supporting the role and value of the
pharmacist, patient access to care, patient safety, and coordination of care and innovation.
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Grant Results | Tracking Adoption of Pharmacists’ Clinical Recommendations & Utilizing NLP to Standardize Medication Directions and Automate Acceptance of Pharmacist Recommendations
This research study aimed to investigate prescriber actions to pharmacist recommendations, natural language processing (NLP) to automate
acceptance of pharmacists’ recommendations and standardizing Sig medication directions. Researchers found that prescriber action on pharmacist
recommendations was highest for ‘laboratory request for evaluation’ at 45.79%. Research also indicated an increased likelihood of action with
increased duration of the relationship between the prescriber and the pharmacist. In connection with research on NLP, findings indicated gaps in
data elements included within the Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN), finding areas for improved interoperability for NCPDP with their
collaborative efforts with TEFCA and the emerging QHIN.
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Grant Funded | D.A.W. Systems to Research Utilizing NCPDP SCRIPT Standard for Veterinary Prescribing
The adoption of electronic prescribing solutions remains limited in the veterinary industry. With a $75,000 NCPDP Foundation grant, D.A.W.
Systems, Inc., will lead an initiative to introduce ePrescribing capabilities tailored for veterinary practices and the pharmacies that serve them.
The aim is to streamline medication management, enhance pet safety, and improve pet owners’ experiences when obtaining their animals’ needed
medications. Read More.
NCPDP Foundation Funds $110,000 Research Grant to Assess Current Pharmacy Technology Landscape
With a $110,000 NCPDP Foundation grant, Point-of-Care Partners will conduct a study that comprehensively assesses the current pharmacy
technology landscape. Its goal is to provide guidance to industry stakeholders on actionable steps to ensure pharmacists have the technology
they need to support patient care and optimal outcomes. The study will identify how existing, improved, or new NCPDP standards support
pharmacy interoperability and clinical data exchange. Read More.
Grant Results | DTx Integration & Workflow Completed by the Digital Therapeutic Alliance
This research study aimed to determine how reimbursement pathways impact work streams and identify where standardization
exists and where there are opportunities for new standards. The study identified two major payment pathways within DTx
prescriptions: Medical Benefit and Pharmacy Benefit and was able to identify major pain points along the workflow and
multiple NCPDP Standards in use including Telecom, SCRIPT, F&B, and RTPB. This grant supported one of the NCPDP
Foundation’s pillars: Increasing Patient Access to Care. Read More.
NCPDP Foundation Names CoverMyMeds as Fourth Founder’s Gift Donor
The NCPDP Foundation announced today a new partnership with CoverMyMeds to support the Foundation’s recently established
fourth strategic initiative, which focuses on empowering Coordination of Care and Innovation. This initiative aims to fill
existing gaps in the pharmacy industry by empowering a more interoperable approach to patient care and promote better
outcomes in the healthcare ecosystem. Read More.
New Board Members Welcomed by NCPDP Foundation
The NCPDP Foundation honored three outgoing members of the Board of Trustees at the Annual Technology & Business
Conference: Richard Brook, Mike Bukach, and Greg Pulido. Three new Board members have stepped into leadership
roles: Robert P. Nickell, Tara Dragert, and Tony Schueth.
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NCPDP Foundation’s Inaugural Pulido Award Honors Namesake’s Legacy of Pharmacy Innovation
During a special presentation at NCPDP’s Annual Technology & Business Conference, the NCPDP Foundation honored
Charles Pulido and STChealth, represented by Strategic Advisor Tom Groom, with the first-ever Charles Pulido,
R.Ph. Excellence Award. The yearly award will recognize the Foundation grant completed in the past year that most
fully optimized the vision and purpose of the NCPDP Foundation. Read More.
NCPDP Foundation Funds New Project to Streamline REMS Process for the Industry
The NCPDP Foundation, InfoWerks will lead a project aimed at streamlining data exchange for the FDA’s Risk Evaluation
and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) plan. Supported with a $190,000 NCPDP Foundation grant, the project will rely on the
REMS transaction within the NCPDP SCRIPT standard. It aims to show how the standard can significantly enhance
patient safety and ease administrative burdens by reducing manual processing delays.
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NCPDP’s National Facilitator Model Pilot Project Enters Second Phase
The NCPDP Foundation announced funding of phase two of its developmental efforts for the NCPDP National Facilitator Model.
STChealth was granted $150,000 to continue to lead research efforts, further building on the success of the first phase of the
project. The National Facilitator Model helps pharmacies, prescribers, and government agencies surveil public health and
respond more effectively to pandemics and public health crises like the opioid epidemic by providing information on
prescriptions, testing, immunizations, and related data in real time at multiple points of care.
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Announcing the NCPDP Foundation 2023 Annual Report!
We’re excited to announce the release of the NCPDP Foundation 2023 Annual Report! Dive into our remarkable
journey throughout 2023, where our passion to improve the healthcare ecosystem drives us to fund projects
proving the value of NCPDP standards and leading to better outcomes for the common good of all. Dive into
the full report here to gain valuable insights into our year of progress. Thank you for being part of our
journey! Read More.
We are pleased to share the findings of the Quandary Peak & MedStar
Health Grant Researching RxChange Request & Response Messages
NCPDP’s SCRIPT Standard includes the RxChange Request and Response messages as distinct transactions to
provide bi-directional communication between the prescriber and pharmacist. This research study aimed to
identify workflow gaps to inform the creation of best practice recommendations for use of RxChange in
bi-directional communications. The study found that RxChange transaction messages are promising to reduce
administrative burden on both pharmacists and prescribers and has provided insight to NCPDP’s WG11,
ePrescribing & Related Transactions and RxChange TG for future NCPDP guidance. This grant supported two
of the NCPDP Foundation’s pillars: Expanding the Role & Value of the Pharmacist and Enhancing Patient
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