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NCPDP Foundation
Board of Trustees

  • Pam Schweitzer, R.Ph., Pharm.D.
    RADM (retired), USPHS
    Former Assistant Surgeon General
    Foundation Chair
  • Jim Gartner
    Foundation Vice-Chair
  • Michelle Vancura
    Independent Consultant
    Outgoing Chair
  • Brian J. Correia
    Brian J. Correia & Associates
    Foundation Secretary/Treasurer & Finance Committee Chair
  • Tony Schueth
    Point of Care Partners
    Governance Committee Chair
  • Lee Ann Stember
  • Mara N. Mitchel
    Oscar Health
    Development Committee Chair
  • Robert Nickell
    Designated Funds Subcommittee Chair
  • Michele V. Davidson, R.Ph, NSC
    Mvdavidson Consulting, LLC
  • Michael Bassoff
    Independent Fundraising Consultant
  • Frannie McGowan
    Consumer Health Strategies
  • Laura Cranston, RPh
    Cranston & Associates, LLC
  • Tara Dragert
    New Board Member
    Chief Product Officer, Surescripts
  • J. W. Hill, MBAHCM, CNED
    Executive Director

Invest in the Movement to Improve
Patient Safety and Quality of Care

Health information technology (HIT) has the potential to make healthcare for you and your family safer and more effective. It transforms the way your care providers communicate with one another and with you to manage health.

Industry standards in HIT are essential for a connected healthcare system where everyone involved in a patient’s care can electronically exchange secure, accurate, complete, and timely patient health information. Use of those standards is sometimes mandated by law. Other times, it is voluntary and leads to underuse of valuable standards.

Your gift to the NCPDP Foundation supports research and pilot projects to drive widespread and proper use of standards in the electronic exchange of healthcare information. Proper use of standards improves patient safety, makes the healthcare system more efficient and helps you and your care providers make better informed healthcare decisions.

The NCPDP Foundation is the only Foundation with an exclusive focus on advancing the use of standards-based information technology for better healthcare.


The NCPDP Foundation envisions a healthcare ecosystem that continuously innovates and fully incorporates health information technology as a tool to deliver better outcomes for the common good of all.


To support programs, projects, and people that drive quality healthcare through the use of standards-based healthcare information technologies.


To collaborate with organizations and individuals to support research initiatives that improve data sharing throughout the healthcare ecosystem, removing obstacles to quality care for patients. Through grant-giving and strategic partnerships, we seek to:

  • Encourage the implementation of healthcare information technologies that empower pharmacists and providers to expand their roles to meet the healthcare needs of today and prepare us for the demands of the future.
  • Explore how NCPDP standards with the potential to improve in-workflow processes and enhance interoperability can be implemented.
  • Drive better patient outcomes through the optimization of medication management and the provision of prevention and wellness services in an equitable manner, ensuring the broadest access to care.

The NCPDP Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona and is affiliated with the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP). Approved by the NCPDP Board of Trustees, the Foundation was established in December 2012 to support research, education and charitable involvement within the healthcare industry.