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Grant Completed | STChealth Completes Second Phase of National Facilitator Model Pilot Project

The National Facilitator Model is a data-sharing tool that can provide real-time information on prescriptions, testing, and immunizations at multiple points of care, so the healthcare ecosystem can respond more effectively to pandemics and public health crises. During the second phase of developmental efforts, STChealth identified supported use cases for the National Facilitator Model and factors that will impact successful implementation. Read More.

Press Release | University of Michigan Study Demonstrates Value of RxChange Communications

A recently completed study by the University of Michigan demonstrated that pharmacist-driven RxChange communications significantly modified prescriptions to improve quality of care and medication safety while also providing cost savings to patients. The NCPDP Foundation funded this study with major contributions from the First Databank and GoodRx Founders Gift Donor Funds. Read the full release.

Grant Completed | NCPDP Foundation Shares Insights From a Completed Study Focused on Pharmacy Interoperability

Key challenges to pharmacy interoperability are defined and action steps are proposed in a pharmacy interoperability assessment produced by Point-of-Care Partners (POCP). Based on interviews with industry stakeholders and market research, these findings are the cornerstone for moving the healthcare industry beyond discussion to constructive collaboration. Read More.

Grant Funded | NYU Grossman to Study Impact of Real-Time Prescription Benefit Recommendations

The NYU Grossman School of Medicine has received a $149,123 grant from the NCPDP Foundation to study the impact of real-time prescription benefit (RTPB) recommendations on prescription fill rates and medication adherence. RTPB technology uses patient-specific cost information to identify available, clinically appropriate, and lower-cost medications. Read More.

Request for Grants | Submit Proposals for Fall Grant Funding Cycle by October 31, 2024

The NCPDP Foundation is requesting grant proposals for the fall 2024 funding cycle. Proposals must be submitted by October 31, 2024. The Foundation seeks to fund projects that demonstrate the value of existing or new NCPDP standards in supporting the role and value of the pharmacist, patient access to care, patient safety, and coordination of care and innovation. Read More.

Grant Funded | D.A.W. Systems to Research Utilizing NCPDP SCRIPT Standard for Veterinary Prescribing

The adoption of electronic prescribing solutions remains limited in the veterinary industry. With a $75,000 NCPDP Foundation grant, D.A.W. Systems, Inc., will lead an initiative to introduce ePrescribing capabilities tailored for veterinary practices and the pharmacies that serve them. The aim is to streamline medication management, enhance pet safety, and improve pet owners’ experiences when obtaining their animals’ needed medications. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Funds $110,000 Research Grant to Assess Current Pharmacy Technology Landscape

With a $110,000 NCPDP Foundation grant, Point-of-Care Partners will conduct a study that comprehensively assesses the current pharmacy technology landscape. Its goal is to provide guidance to industry stakeholders on actionable steps to ensure pharmacists have the technology they need to support patient care and optimal outcomes. The study will identify how existing, improved, or new NCPDP standards support pharmacy interoperability and clinical data exchange. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Names CoverMyMeds as Fourth Founder’s Gift Donor

The NCPDP Foundation announced today a new partnership with CoverMyMeds to support the Foundation’s recently established fourth strategic initiative, which focuses on empowering Coordination of Care and Innovation. This initiative aims to fill existing gaps in the pharmacy industry by empowering a more interoperable approach to patient care and promote better outcomes in the healthcare ecosystem. Read More.

New Board Members Welcomed by NCPDP Foundation

The NCPDP Foundation honored three outgoing members of the Board of Trustees at the Annual Technology & Business Conference: Richard Brook, Mike Bukach, and Greg Pulido. Three new Board members have stepped into leadership roles: Robert P. Nickell, Tara Dragert, and Tony Schueth. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation’s Inaugural Pulido Award Honors Namesake’s Legacy of Pharmacy Innovation

During a special presentation at NCPDP’s Annual Technology & Business Conference, the NCPDP Foundation honored Charles Pulido and STChealth, represented by Strategic Advisor Tom Groom, with the first-ever Charles Pulido, R.Ph. Excellence Award. The yearly award will recognize the Foundation grant completed in the past year that most fully optimized the vision and purpose of the NCPDP Foundation. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Funds New Project to Streamline REMS Process for the Industry

The NCPDP Foundation, InfoWerks will lead a project aimed at streamlining data exchange for the FDA’s Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) plan. Supported with a $190,000 NCPDP Foundation grant, the project will rely on the REMS transaction within the NCPDP SCRIPT standard. It aims to show how the standard can significantly enhance patient safety and ease administrative burdens by reducing manual processing delays. Read More.

NCPDP’s National Facilitator Model Pilot Project Enters Second Phase

The NCPDP Foundation announced funding of phase two of its developmental efforts for the NCPDP National Facilitator Model. STChealth was granted $150,000 to continue to lead research efforts, further building on the success of the first phase of the project. The National Facilitator Model helps pharmacies, prescribers, and government agencies surveil public health and respond more effectively to pandemics and public health crises like the opioid epidemic by providing information on prescriptions, testing, immunizations, and related data in real time at multiple points of care. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Opens Its Call for Grant Proposals, Due April 30

The NCPDP Foundation Board of Trustees announced its call for grant proposals. The Foundation, which has awarded nearly 1.2 million in grants in recent years, seeks to fund projects that demonstrate the value of existing or new NCPDP Standards in supporting NCPDP Foundation strategic Initiatives: Expanding the Role and Value of the Pharmacist; Expanding Patient Access to Care; Enhancing Patient Safety; and Empowering Coordination of Care and Innovation. Areas of Interest include health equity, pharmacogenomics, value-based arrangements, digital therapeutics, pharmacist-supported clinical services, and more. Proposals must meet the grant proposal requirements and be submitted electronically by 5:00 p.m. MST on April 30, 2024, to be considered for the current grant funding cycle. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Awards $150,000 Grant to RxLive to Automate Tracking of Physician Adoption of Pharmacists’ Clinical Recommendations

The NCPDP Foundation Board of Trustees has awarded a $150,000 grant to RxLive, a provider of population health pharmacy solutions, to automate, track and quantify providers’ response to pharmacists’ clinical recommendations to measure the value of pharmacist-led interventions. The project will use NCPDP standards to automate the process of capturing providers’ acceptance of pharmacist recommendations to show the impact and value that pharmacist-led clinical interventions can have on patient care. It will aim to establish bidirectional communication for sharing data among the patient care team to coordinate care and can be used to demonstrate and document progress and performance measures for value-based arrangements. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Announces $83,000 Grant to RxEOB.Com, LLC, Marking the Foundation’s First Grant Supporting Consumer Access to Real-time Data Using NCPDP Standards

The grant will be used to fund an innovative project that will use NCPDP’s real-time standards to make it easy and convenient for consumers to view medication options, alternatives and cost information, as well as payment assistance options and the ability to select their preferred medication and pharmacy before a prescription is filled. This is the NCPDP Foundation’s first grant funding a project that uses the same NCPDP industry standards available to prescribers, pharmacists, and other healthcare industry participants, to bring consumers transparency and choice on prescription medications. The new, consumer-facing use of NCPDP’s industry standards can help improve medication adherence and outcomes, patient safety, and enhance efficiencies to improve the healthcare experience for patients, pharmacists, and prescribers. Read More.

Recent Grants Making a Difference! We are pleased to share the findings of two grants have now been published!

Read about Phase 1 of the Foundation’s Grant to STChealth for the Pilot Launch of NCPDP’s National Facilitator Model to Strengthen Pandemic and Epidemic Preparedness & Response and Support Public Health Surveillance. Read More.

Learn about the NCPDP Foundation’s Grant to the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health for RxFill: An Innovative Approach to Support Medication Adherence. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Awards $79,000 Grant to Digital Therapeutics Alliance to Address Key Barrier for Patient Access to Clinically Validated Digital Therapeutic Products

Digital Therapeutics Alliance will research current obstacles or barriers to health plan coverage of DTx therapies and develop standardized pharmacy and medical benefit workflows to show how DTx products can be integrated into benefit designs. The grant supports the NCPDP Foundation’s strategic initiative to Expand Patient Access to Care in alignment with NCPDP’s strategic goal to explore how standards can support a pharmacist’s role in digital therapeutics. Findings from the research project will also include recommendations for enhancements to existing NCPDP standards or a new NCPDP standard to support DTx products. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Announces its Call for Grant Proposals, Due July 31, 2023

The NCPDP Foundation Board of Trustees announced its call for grant proposals that demonstrate the value of NCPDP standards in supporting patient safety, access to care and the expanded role of pharmacists. Grant proposals must meet the grant proposal requirements and be submitted electronically by July 31, 2023, to be considered for the current grant funding cycle. Areas of interest include: Value of Specialty Medication Enrollment Standard; Pharmacy Services Billing Transaction; Other NCPDP Standards That Support Value-based Arrangements, Precision Medicine, Social Determinants of Health, Digital Therapeutics or the NCPDP National Facilitator Model. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Awards $102,300 Research Grant to University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy to Evaluate the NCPDP/HL7 Specialty Medication Enrollment Standard

The NCPDP Foundation Board of Trustees announced it has awarded a $102,300 research grant to the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy to evaluate the quality of data obtained from EHRs using the NCPDP/HL7 Specialty Medication Enrollment Standard. The Standard provides for the exchange of patient demographic data, as well as coverage, prescription, and clinical data for pharmacy dispensing of specialty medications. It also facilitates enrollment of patients in programs offered by third parties such as hub vendors and pharmaceutical manufacturers. The research project aims to evaluate the frequency at which information received by specialty pharmacy from EHRs is populated; evaluate the quality of information received by specialty pharmacy from EHRs using a comprehensive evidence-based data quality framework; and evaluate the clinical usefulness of information received by specialty pharmacy. Read More.

Foundation Funded Pilot Project Announced: NCPDP Announces Pilot Launch of its National Facilitator Model to Strengthen Pandemic and Epidemic Preparedness & Response and Support Public Health Surveillance

Funding for the pilot project is provided by an NCPDP Foundation grant of $150,000 awarded to STChealth. NCPDP announced the pilot launch of its National Facilitator Model which can be used to provide real-time information on prescription, testing, immunization, and related data to pharmacies, prescribers and government agencies to aid in pandemic and epidemic response, proactive intervention and public health surveillance. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Awards $295,000 in Grants to Enhance Patient Safety, Expand Patient Access to Care, & Expand the Role & Value of Pharmacists

Three grants were awarded in the NCPDP Foundation’s first grant cycle of 2022. Research projects will explore the value and untapped potential of the RxFill or RxChange transactions in the NCPDP SCRIPT Standard. The grants support the NCPDP Foundation’s strategic initiatives to Enhance Patient Safety, Expand Patient Access to Care, and Expand the Role and Value of the Pharmacist. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Awards Grant to University of Arizona R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy to Identify Barriers to Using Indication/Diagnosis Fields in NCPDP Standards

Research Project Will Explore Barriers to the Use of Clinical Indication or Diagnosis – Underutilized Fields in NCPDP’s SCRIPT and Telecommunication Standards – Which Can Aid Pharmacists in DUR, Reduce Prescribing Errors, Improve Medication Counseling, and Speed Patient Access to Medications and Adherence. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Announces its Second 2022 Call for Grant Proposals

The NCPDP Foundation Board of Trustees announced its second 2022 call for grant proposals that demonstrate the value of NCPDP standards in supporting patient safety, access to care and the expanded role of pharmacists. Grant proposals must meet the grant proposal requirements and be submitted electronically by August 18, 2022, to be considered for the current grant funding cycle. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Awards $157,433 Grant to Xact Laboratories to Integrate Pharmacogenomic Data into PBM Systems and Help Inform Pharmacists’ Clinical Decision-Making via NCPDP Standards

The NCPDP Foundation Board of Trustees has awarded a $157,433 grant to Xact Laboratories to integrate pharmacogenomic (PGx) data into Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) systems and/or Pharmacy Benefit Administrator modules to share clinical alerts with pharmacists using NCPDP Standards. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Announces GoodRx as its Access to Care Founders Gift Donor to Advance Research Priorities

The NCPDP Foundation is pleased to have named GoodRx as its Patient Access to Care Founders Gift Donor. Frannie McGowan, Chief Executive Officer of Scriptcycle, LLC (a wholly owned subsidiary of GoodRx), will serve as the Patient Access to Care Chair for the Foundation’s Newly Established National Advisory Council (NAC). GoodRx’s donation of $100,000 and Frannie’s support as Chair will support future research projects to help enhance patient access to quality health care. Read More

NCPDP Foundation Announces Surescripts as its Role & Value of Pharmacists Founders Gift Donor to Advance Research Priorities

The NCPDP Foundation today announced Surescripts as its Role & Value of Pharmacist Founders Gift Donor. Surescripts’ donation of $100,000 will support future research projects over the next two years that demonstrate and measure one or more existing or future NCPDP standards that align with the Foundation’s strategic initiative to Expand the Role and Value of the Pharmacist. Surescripts’ Chief Marketing Officer, Melanie Marcus, will serve as the NCPDP Foundation’s National Advisory Council (NAC) Chair for Role and Value of the Pharmacist with support from senior pharmacists and pharmacy experts at Surescripts, NCPA and NACDS. Read More

NCPDP Foundation Announces FDB as its Inaugural Patient Safety Founders Gift Donor to Advance Research Priorities

The NCPDP Foundation today announced FDB (First Databank, Inc.) as its inaugural Patient Safety Founders Gift Donor. FDB’s donation of $100,000 will support future research projects over the next two years that demonstrate and measure one or more existing or future NCPDP standards that align with the Foundation’s strategic initiative to enhance patient safety. FDB President Robert C. (“Bob”) Katter will serve as the NCPDP Foundation’s National Advisory Council (NAC) Chair for Patient Safety. Read More

NCPDP Foundation Announces a Call for Grant Proposals

The NCPDP Foundation is seeking to fund more research projects that demonstrate the value of NCPDP standards in supporting patient safety, access to care, and the expanded role of pharmacists. This may be by providing up-to-date information for improved clinical decision making at the point of care, improving the patient experience, and/or improving workflow efficiencies to reduce provider burden. Read More

NCPDP Foundation Awards Grant to Point-of-Care Partners to Document Clinical and Patient Care Value in NCPDP’s Formulary & Benefit Standard & Added Value of Real-Time Prescription Benefit Standard

The NCPDP Foundation Board of Trustees has awarded a $77,000 grant to Point-of-Care Partners to research and document the value and cost savings of the newly enhanced NCPDP Formulary & Benefit Standard V53, as well as V3. The Standard, which was first developed for use in 2005, enables prescribers to view plan-specific prescription benefit information - including medications on formulary, alternative medications, coverage limitations such as age limits or step therapy rules, and the copay for one product option versus another - prior to prescribing a medication. Read More

NCPDP Foundation Announces Call for Proposals

The NCPDP Foundation is seeking to fund more research projects that demonstrate the value of NCPDP standards in supporting patient safety, access to care and the expanded role of pharmacists, providing up-to[1]date information for improved clinical decision making at the point of care and improving the patient experience. The Foundation has increased both the number and the dollar amount of grants being awarded in the past couple of years. Read More

NCPDP Foundation Awards $115,000 Grant to Point-of-Care Partners to Help Migrate NCPDP Telecommunication Standard to JSON Format

The NCPDP Foundation Board of Trustees announced it awarded a $115,000 grant to Point-of-Care Partners to support the migration of NCPDP’s Telecommunication Standard to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format, enhancing its extensibility and modernizing the real-time pharmacy claims standard. NCPDP’s Telecommunication Standard was first developed in 1988, ushering in a new and unprecedented era of real-time transactions in the pharmacy segment of healthcare. The Telecommunication Standard provides the standardized format to submit prescription drug claims, and includes transactions for eligibility verification, claim and service billing, predetermination of benefits, prior authorization, and information reporting. JSON is an open standard file format, and data interchange format, that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types. Read More.

NCPDP Foundation Announces a Call for Grant Proposals

The NCPDP Foundation has recently funded several research projects that have demonstrated the value of NCPDP standards in supporting patient safety and the expanded role of pharmacists, providing up-to-date information for improved clinical decision making at the point of care and improving the patient experience. Help make a difference in healthcare and submit a grant proposal for a project that aligns with the Foundation’s Vision and Purpose. To learn more about the opportunity, Read More.

Johns Hopkins Medicine Research Shows Use of NCPDP’s RTPB Standard Leads to Patient Cost Savings on Medications

A Johns Hopkins Medicine research study has proven that patients can save on their medication costs -- and sometimes acquire medications in a more timely fashion -- when physicians and pharmacy industry technology partners implement NCPDP’s Real-time Prescription Benefit (RTPB) Standard. Prescribers chose multiple types of medication changes based on point-of-care estimates provided via the RTPB Standard, saving patients an average $21.40 and as much as $1,000 at time of dispensing. Read More